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[Virtual Box] Configure a share folder and mount it

How do we properly configure the shared folders between guest and the host OS ?

After paying some penalty, I would like to note down my mistakes and share with you.

It would be very easy once you know the way correctly.:)

Follow the steps below:

1. First, configure your shared folder through:
Menu -> Device -> Shared Folder -> Add Shared Folder -> Setup your Folder Path and Folder Name
* Here you can create/edit/delete a shared folder which is under your host machine

ex. Folder Path </User/username/share_folder> Folder Name <share_folder>

If you enable 'Auto-mount' option, your share folder will be automatically mounted as a drive, especially you use a Windows platform as a guest OS. Otherwise, for Linux or Mac OS guest OS, check out the next step. 

2. If you can't find any mounting point on guest OS, then you can try,

$ sudo mount -t vboxsf [your shared folder name] [/your path in the guest OS/]

ex. $ sudo mount -t vboxsf share_folder /User/username/share_folder/

If it shows <unknown filesystem type ‘vboxsf’> error message, then try:

$ sudo mount.vboxsf [your shared folder name] [/your path in the guest OS/]

[Trouble shoot]

Terminal may show the following:
‘mount.vboxsf’ is not current installed. You can install it by inputting the following command:
apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils

Then we just install the above application.

 After successfully installing the application, try again mounting the shared folder.

Finally, how do we unmount the shared folder? Try the following command.

$ umount -a -t vboxsf

Hope this help your next foot step!